We have rules here but all are subject to common sense.
- No swearing (words like frick are ok).
- Keep all your comments PG.
- Keep all your username PG.
- Impersonating anyone is not allowed.
- Do not abuse the image upload option.
- Be nice and respectful to other people.
- Rickrolls are encoraged, rickroll everyone!
- Suggest games here: forms.gle
- Report bugs here: github.com
Hello everyone,
First of all, what on earth? I just said that my school blocked github.com and it snowballed into this mess. I asked ramen to help deal with all of this chaos but that did not work. Many thought I was a imposter on my first comment. And I am quoting ramen on this,
1st thing. If the username of the comment is this: "3kh0 (mod)" then it is the real 3kh0. Please keep that in mind!
2nd thing. Yes it is true, github was blocked for 3kh0 meaning that updates will come out slower. Please go to the homepage and click on the green text to read 3kh0's announcement on this.
3rd thing. Please do not ask to add croxyproxy to the site. We are still debating if we should at this point
4th thing. 3kh0 has asked the IT admins to (hopefully) unblock github soon because even the firewall is acting up because of the block.
5th thing. 3kh0 has stated that he does not know of anyone named Jack Kreshkinhow, and if this Jack Kreshkinhow guy really knows me, come up to me IRL.
6th thing. Please do not use the comment box to ask for new games to be added, use github (if that is unblocked for you).
So, what I learned from this is that most of you have done nothing wrong, and I thank you for flagging the bad comments, but some just have to mess it up for everyone. That means the comment box will be disabled. I will readd it in a week and see if you all can handle it. But until then that is it. And for the ones who do not know what I am talking about, it is nothing. You do not need to worry about it. With that said, this weekend I will tend to the new issues popping up in the github repo, and for all of the people who report vaild issues, they will get their github name on a new page coming (soon hopefully).
I hope you all have a great rest of your day, please open issues if anything is broken!
- Echo